To conclude Although it will certainly take time to fight against all these devices, which push users to ease, and especially to break the rules imposd by Instagram, this fake influence is bound to disappear over time. Ideally, content would be king and the user environment better. So, do not hesitate to call on our social mdia agency. Our SMO specialists will be happy to find the best strategy to move you forward in your digital project around social networks. Although the year 2020 got off to a flying start in terms of SEO, with the January 2020 Core Update , or even the change in the referencing of featurd snippets.
We must not forget that 2019 was very hectic for Google. Thus, the SEO platform, Oncrawl , had the good idea to present an infographic of the major updates of the Mountain fax list View firm, over the year 2019. Your digital agency looks back on the key points of the last year of this decade . A timeline of updates Oncrawl has made this infographic in chronological order. In addition, it must be taken into account that modifications due to bugs, and minor updates, or which have not been officially reveald by the.
American giant, are also taken into account. They are displayd in green and rd respectively, while Core Updates are distinguishd by blue. As for the minor updates in this infographic, they are the most notable of the lot, as Google makes almost ten changes to its algorithm a day that we hardly ever notice. Timeline Infographic of Major Google Changes Timeline Infographic of Major Google Changes Important dates: March 1 : A few days before the first Core Update of 2019, a change in the SERP was noticd by the SEO community. There were then, at this time, pages with 19 results instead of the usual.