The energybased economy is fading into the background. Now anyone who knows their capabilities and measures them against the market potential can get competitive advantages in time, which in the future will ensure a stable position in the market. The growth of information generation overtakes our ability to process it. to be aware of everything that is happening in the world. With the growth of universal integration, there is a risk of being late in this endlessly accelerating race.
Let's go through the spiral of industrial development. Each turn is faster and harder. And the countdown comes from the industrial revolutions, which lobby for a fundamentally new Whatsapp Mobile Number List approach to the methods of production and consumption. The phrase Industrial Revolution certainly brings back hazy memories from history class for many. There have been, it seems, three of these revolutions already.
Something about a steam engine, then about electrification and division of labor, and then information technology. All these events are about the steps of industrial development on a planetary scale. Let's remember each of them and try to imagine what awaits us next. INDUSTRY . Many industries are tightly tied to energy. The dependence of the economy on some single source of energy is one of the main anchors on the way to new technological stages of development.