From this perspective, patriarchy, as a system of subordination of women, acquires analytical importance. If the home-family is the social institution in charge of organizing daily life and reproduction, attention must be paid to its internal organization and the differentiation of the roles of men and women. In the patriarchal nuclear family model, the mobile phone number list male worker, with his salary, provides the monetary resources required for the maintenance of the working family, while the counterpart of the domestic work performed by the "housewife mother", which transforms that monetary income in the goods and services that allow social maintenance and reproduction mobile phone number list it remains implicit and invisible.
It is in this scenario of theoretical and political debate that the work of Larguía and Dumoulin is inserted. The patriarchal family implies a division of social life into two well-differentiated spheres, the public sphere and the domestic sphere.35, which had a very uneven mobile phone number list evolution: Although working men and women reproduce labor power through the creation of commodities for exchange, and therefore for indirect consumption, housewives replenish a large part of the labor power of the entire working class on a daily basis.
Only the existence of an alienating age-old ideology of sex prevents us from clearly perceiving the economic importance of this form of mobile phone number list direct and private replacement of the labor force (...). The worker and his family do not support themselves only with what they buy with their salary, but the housewife and other relatives must invest many hours in domestic work and other subsistence tasks (...). The work of women was hidden behind the facade mobile phone number list of the monogamous family, remaining invisibleto the present day. It seemed to magically dissolve into the air,
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